Acclaimed by critics as “a rising star of the concert platform” (Living – UK) after winning the First Prize at the 8th International Piano Concerto Competition in Hastings, Eugenio Catone was awarded several prize in national and international competitions, including: special prize for the best performance of the compulsory pieces at the PozzoliInternational Piano Competition; Albano prize for the youngest finalist at the Arcangelo Speranza International Piano Competition 2012 in Taranto; 1st Prize at the Chopin Golden Ring Competition 2012; Grand Prix at the 7th Rosario Marciano Piano Competition 2015 in Wien. He regularly gives recitals both as soloist and chamber musician in many European countries including Poland, France, Spain, UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Croatia and the Netherlands and has been selected to take part in various festivals in Italy and abroad (Ravello Festival, Fairfield Halls, Alfriston Summer Music Festival, Novaljia Festival, Philharmonic of Vidin, Teatro Petruzzelli, Philharmonic of Chisinau …).
He plays in a duo with the saxophonist Domenico Luciano (Duo Agorà), which combination has been winning plaudits and prizes including 1st prize at the Hyperion Chamber Music Competition, 3rd prize at the Zinetti Chamber Music Competition, semi-finalists at the Terem Crossover Competition St. Petersburg, 2nd prize at the 2012 Tournoi International de Musique in Paris, 2nd prize at the 2015 Leopold Bellan Competition in Paris.
Auftritte in der Spielzeit 2019/2020:
- Piano Extra mit Henri Sigfridsson · So 07. Juni 2020